Balingup Community Web

An initiative of the Balingup Progress Association

Balingup Strategic Planning

Strategic Plan May 2021

During April and May 2021, Balingup Progress Association hosted a series of Community Conversations and one Open Space workshop to identify community priorities for the next 5-10 years. These were then documented into:

Around 50 people participated and agreed on the following over-arching statements:
  • Balingup is a centre of environmental sustainability (Environment)
  • Balingup is a resilient, thriving community with a vibrant, village feel (Economy and Tourism)
  • Balingup is a community that creates, learns and grows together (Lifespan and Living)
  • Balingup Progress Association is an intergenerational, community-led, representative, change and innovation group. (Community and Governance).
For more details, please download the summary document. Balingup Progress Association wishes to acknowledge the assistance of the Shire of Donnybrook-Balingup Community Development Manager for facilitating the process.