Balingup Community Web

An initiative of the Balingup Progress Association

Balingup Small Farm Field Day

An annual event held in April

Detailed information will be available on the Small Farm Field Day website.

The first Small Farm Field Day was held on 30 April 1991.  It was an outstanding success,sffd and every April since then the small community of Balingup has opened its doors to visitors from all over the State.The Field Day was introduced to promote the unique features of this community and to put Balingup on the map!  It has certainly done that - with over 10,000 visitors rolling up for an 'average' Field Day.

SFFD The Day encourages people from small farms and cottage industries to exhibit and sell their produce.  Over 300 stalls as well as information booths and various demonstrations are strategically squeezed into the local sports oval.  It also gives visitors an opportunity to fantasise their future of living the 'good life'.  Farm visits and talks in the 'Speakers Tent' provide an opportunity to learn from the mistakes of others!

Overall, the day is run in a somewhat whimsical style (there is a very popular scarecrow competition) and each year, the Field Day chooses a new 'theme'.

donkeys SFFD



Profits from the Balingup Small Farm Field Day help finance Community Projects identified by the Balingup Progress Association, Inc. as being worthy of support.